
District 211 has upheld their agreement with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance would like to thank everyone who attended last night's meeting in support or sent letters to the Superintendent and District 211 Board to support equality for students of all gender identities and expressions.

We would also like to thank Student A and her family, the community from D211, the students who spoke, the parent groups who rallied for her and donated time, food, and countless hours (including Parents of Trans Individuals and multiple PFLAG Chapters) Youth Outlook, ACLU of Illinois, TSER, Lambda Legal, and the hundreds of other supporters who were present last night for this student.

We applaud the districts, both in Illinois and nationwide, who are adopting policies that recognize and affirm trans and gender expansive students. We encourage district officials across the state to reflect on this important lesson and consider how vital trans inclusive policies are to their own students and community. 


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